Aarron Deliu: Extra 330SC

Aarron Deliu

Aarron Deliu from Down Under, engages, inspires and thrills audiences from all walks of life with high adrenaline airshows.

As an aerobatics, airshow pilot and Air Race Pilot, Aarron competes in Australian and world competitions as well as performs thrilling and unique airshows worldwide.

The passion, energy and precision he brings to competitions and displays is akin to his personality, whilst his extensive flying abilities and aviation experience make him a versatile pilot with the ability to articulate his airshow and aerodynamics/aerobatics to engage and entertain people of all ages. Aarron is an aviation advocate with a goal to benefit this dynamic sport and encourage all individuals to take an interest and share his passion for aviation, whilst encouraging youth to take an interest or discover their passion or career in aviation.

  • Wingspan: 7.5m
    Length: 6.7m
    Height: 2.6m
    Wing Area: 9.8m

    Manoeuvring Speed: 158kts
    Stall Speed: 61kts - 64kts
    Total Fuel Capacity: 224ltr


United States Navy Leap Frogs


Matt Hall: MXS