Gravity Industries
Flight Club

Gravity Industries Jet suits

Gravity Industries designs, builds and flies Jet Suits, pioneering a new era of human flight. The company was founded to challenge boundaries in human aviation and to inspire others to dare to ask, “What if?”.

Founder and Chief Test Pilot, Richard Browning, brought together cutting-edge technology to reimagine human flight, forging an elegant partnership between mind, body and machine. This vision led to the creation of the world’s first Jet Suit (patented), achieving unprecedented manoeuvrability and control. The Jet Suit currently can perform speeds in excess of 80mph and is capable of crossing any terrain, in weather that would ground most aircraft. The company’s focus is relentless evolution of the technology and bringing this inspirational spectacle to live audiences all over the world, in parallel scaling the numerous professional applications of this technology.

Gravity Industries’ extended team - made up of over 30 diverse and talented individuals, from engineers to pilots, across five different countries - has enabled the brand to be experienced by over two billion people globally to date, with video views alone running at more than 60million within seven days of launch. In the last five years Gravity executed over 240 flight events across 38 countries including five TED talks.

  • Five gas turbine jet engines generate +1500bhp and 175kg of thrust to allow vertical lift and ultimately human propulsion (VTOL technology). Unprecedented directional flight control is achieved by vectoring the arm engine thrust. The Jet Suit runs on Jet Fuel or Diesel and can also run on biofuel.

  • Turbines: Five to Seven
    Fuel: Jet A1, Diesel or Biofuels
    Engine: 1500bhp / 175kg
    Speed: Max forward speed is typically in excess of 50mph
    RPM: 120,000
    Jet Suit Weight: 27kg
    Pilot Weight: No more than 85kg
    Altitude Limit: 12,000ft (but limited to lower heights for safety reasons)

  • Longest Distance Flown: In November 2017, Founder and Chief Test Pilot, Richard Browning was also able to fly the longest distance of 1.4km - which is further than a Gravity Industries Jet Suit Pilot has ever flown before. That was two years ago.

    Record Speed: In November 14th 2019, Richard exceeded his original Guinness World Record for Jet Suit speed reaching an incredible 85.06 mph.


RAAF F-18 Super Hornet Display


Jeff Boerboon: Yak 110