Red Star Roolettes

Red Star Roolettes

Taking a flight away from their day jobs as QANTAS pilots, the Red Star Roolettes will entertain with their skilled aerobatics and formation flying.

The team fly two types of aircraft the Nanchang CJ6A and the Yak52.

Both these aircraft come from a common linage the YAK18. Subsequent development lead to the YAK52 and the  Nanchang. Both aircraft share many design features one of which is a complete lack of Hydraulics. Pneumatic systems are used for engine start, undercarriage retraction/extension, wheel braking and flap operation.

  • This is the larger of the two and was the first indigenous aircraft designed in China. The aircraft is built by the Nanchang aircraft company in Nanchang China. In Australia it is known as the "Chang". The team's aircraft have all been re-engined with the M14PF engine of 400hp. The original  Housai engine was rated at 285hp. The teams M14 engined Changs have significantly improved performance over a stock Chang. The Chang is rated to +6G and to -3G.

    Though not quite as aerobatic as the Yak it is significantly faster in the cruise with better vertical performance. The Chang has a Vne of 200Knots. The Teams aircraft with the bigger engine are known as "Uber Changs".

  • The Yak52 was designed in Russia as a basic to intermediate trainer and as used by the DOSAAF (state run flying school). It too is powered by the M14 radial engine of 360hp. The Yak is a fully aerobatic aircraft with no manoeuver limitations. It is rated to +7.5G to - 3G and has a Vne of 220 knots. The YAK has a dedicated inverted oil and fuel system that provides an extended inverted and negative G capability. The aircraft is mostly commonly known in Australia as the “Yak”.


Hayden Pullen: Extra 330SC


RAAF Roulettes