Greg Colyer
t-33 Shooting Star

T-33 shooting star

Californian Greg Colyer will take to the skies in the iconic T-33 Shooting Star, showcasing the grace and history of this classic jet trainer aircraft, which has trained generations of pilots.

Owned by Pacific Airshow, the T-33 is the only known craft of its kind in Australia at present. After being shipped from the US it has been reassembled by a team from the US and is ready to make its debut in the Oz skies this August.

  • As the founder and owner of Ace Maker Aviation, Gregory ‘Wired’ Colyer has been captivating the skies and audiences alike with his exceptional piloting skills.

    A true Californian, Greg’s aviation journey began when he was just seven, taking his first flight in a Cessna 172 from Schellville Airport in Sonoma.

    That early experience ignited a lifelong passion for flying, a journey that now spans over four decades.


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Freedom Formation